Some people may call me a bit OCD at times when it comes to routine, not all the time, just some of the time. But I can be spontaneous too (sometimes). I really do love a good routine of activities. I think it's called "being structured", not really OCD, right?
Just a few things I like "structured" are:
- Laundry is always and only done on Thursdays.
- I rarely prepare the same thing for the kids breakfasts twice a week.
- I hate to exercise in the afternoon, it should always be done in the morning.
- Dishwasher should be loaded properly (to my specifications) for the best wash possible. I've been known to reload it on a few occasions.
- All labels in the pantry should be facing outward, so that we can see what we have. This goes for the refrigerator, too.
- Speaking of the pantry and the frig, I like all things to be stacked according to type of food. Isn't that the way everyone does it?
- After my weekly jaunt to the grocery store, I put away the groceries. No one else, just me. Not only do I enjoy making sure the pantry and frig are properly loaded but I also like to be able to know where everything is later when I'm preparing the meals. And, please put things back where you found them!
- Don't get me started on crumbs left behind.......
Those are just a few areas where I feel I might be on the edge of OCD, but lets just characterize me as "structured". I like that word much better.
I rarely sleep in on Saturdays. I like my quiet time and the peace of not having to pry the kids' eyes open to wake up for school like I do each weekday. Come to think of it, I rarely sleep in on Sundays either. I am pretty much up out of bed by 5am (I'm an early bird) every day of the week. I really don't like to sleep in, no matter how late I was up the night before. Could that be another area where I'm "structured"? Hmmmm......
Today is one of those Saturday mornings where I was out of bed around 430am. Routinely, I like to slowly enjoy a cup of coffee as soon as I wake up. I can't do that today, though, I gave coffee up for lent. So now I find myself pacing around the kitchen wondering what I am missing. I'm proud to have given it up and have not had much of a withdrawal issue. But I am really missing the routine of sipping a good cup of java in the peace of the early morning.
Saturday mornings are busy for me. I like to plan out the weekly menu and get my grocery list done so that I can get to the store before the rush after I drop one darling daughter off at cheer practice. I have just enough time to shop, drop off the load and put the cold stuff away between her drop off and pick up. It really is a great routine. If I stick with it, then I can enjoy what the rest of the day has in store without worrying about going to the store again for a week (unless we run out of milk or wine).
Over the years, I've created several types of menu designs. I used to print out a grid and hand-write everything in. Then I moved it all to the computer and it has manifested it's self into an excel spreadsheet that has every meal for every person in the family. The kids rarely like the same things for breakfast so I have to make sure I have enough supplies to accommodate their every desire (not really but it sounds good). Lunches have really settled into a good routine and there is no complaining there from anyone. Dinners....let's talk about dinner....
Have I mentioned that I LOVE to cook. It's really great therapy for me after a long day. Not many people can say that coming home to cook a homemade meal is enjoyable. But I can. Oh, don't get me wrong, I love a little fast food once in a while, but I would rather cook a good hamburger than to get it at the fast-food-joint down the block. We do have our regular family favorites but I generally like to spice it up a bit each with and throw in something new. That doesn't always make me the popular parent but, on a occasion, I will hit the ball out of the park and we will have a new "family favorite" to add to our list.
Once I have my menu complete and any new recipes printed out, I start compiling my shopping list. The process was pretty laborious at one time. I would take my weekly hand-written menu and then write down what was needed on one sheet of paper. Step two was to get a new piece of paper and re-write the list, only this time, it would be in order of where it was in the store. And my handwriting better be good or I would have to start all over. And it always bothered me that it wasn't in alphabetical order.
Now that I've discovered this great toy called "the computer", I have transitioned my entire routine! I create my menus in MS Excel as well as my grocery list. And I love it. Now I can't wait to wake up at 430am on Saturday mornings to complete this weekly task!
I do have to brag a little bit on the hubs. I would never consider myself an expert at Excel, but I would consider my husband to be an ultra-expert. Here I was creating, sorting, resorting, moving columns, adding rows, and alphabetizing in order to make sure my list was amazing and easy to follow as I shopped, when JB wakes up to see what I'm doing. I explain. Later that day, he sat down, pushed a few buttons and said, "Take a look at this, honey." What I saw made my head swim. It was a master list of items that we buy all the time. I could now push one button and something magical would occur. A final list was created of the items I selected from the master list. It was in order of the isles the products could be found AND alphabetically. Best part, it was set up in order for me to be able to walk around the store efficiently too. I love it!!
Oh there are so many prefabricated templates out there for shopping as well as a few smart phone apps. I've tried most of them and really nothing compares to my very own customized list generator. It really does help in making life more efficient for me. That's the word I've been looking for, efficient. Who doesn't want to manage life's chores efficiently so that you have more time for the spontaneous fun? Not me, that's for sure!