Saturday, January 23, 2016

Day 3: I'm going to be a first-time Mom, again!

Yes, it's true. I'm going to be a first-time mom soon. NO! I am not pregnant! Let me repeat, I am not with child! Is that what you thought I meant? Sorry about that (giggle).

Really, almost 13 years ago, I became a first-time mom to an amazing little boy. A little over two years later, I became a first-time mom to a gorgeous little girl. I say "first-time mom" because I'd never been a mother to a daughter before. Everything was a little bit different than with my first born. Sometimes it felt like I was experiencing being a new mom all over again. They were so different, not just in gender but in personality, likes and dislikes, when they cried, why they cried, sleeping arrangements, etc. Really, almost nothing worked the same with The Lady as they did with The Boy. They really didn't even resemble each other very much. They certainly could not wear the same clothes and rarely like the same type of toys.

When The Bigs were little, before they started Kindergarten, I was part of a wonderful organization called MOPS. I highly recommend it to any mom of little ones. It was a great place to meet other moms going through the same challenges, successes, and routines. Right after The Lady was born, we moved to a new city where I knew no one. MOPS was right around the corner, so we joined up. The kids got to go with me too so I wasn't just leaving them with a babysitter. I was able to get out of my "mom-at-home" uniform, you know the one - the one that consists of some type of exercise pants, hubby's big t-shirt and fuzzy slippers. Usually all garments had some form a spill on them - from food dropped on them to food spit up on them......Anyway, I got to get semi-dressed up, curled my hair and put on some make up. It was really great!

The wonderful ladies who ran MOPS really did some great things for us. One of the leadership roles was called a "Mentor Mom". This was a mom who had older kids who could help give advice to us younger moms. They'd already been there and done that. However, sometimes this Mentor Mom had much older children, children already grown up. The experiences she had were much different than what we were going through. So I didn't find that my Mentor Mom really helped that much except to reassure me that the tough times of have two very young ones would pass....would pass to the challenges of having tweens, then teens and then young adults. So in my opinion, she was a first-time mom of 20-somethings. She herself had not yet married a daughter off or sent her son off into the real world. Those moments for her were yet to come. I see parenting as always being a new experience, I will always need advice from someone who had gone through it before.

In about two weeks, I will embark on a brand new parenting adventure. I will share in the responsibility of being a parent of a true-to-life, full of energy, full of crazy boy emotions and weird attitudes TEENAGER (I might even experience a little popping, locking and long showers too)!! And honestly, I'm so very excited. I can't wait to experience all of his new adventures. I can't wait to help him navigate through some uncharted waters. I get a little emotional about it all too. He's such an amazing young man who is practically as tall as me already. And soon, before I know it, he will be that young adult that I will be setting off into the real world. Oh my, here come the tears.....

So, you see, I'm going to be a first-time Mom, again soon. I'm so very proud of who he has become so far! Love my boy.....

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