Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day 7: Mom flubbed up, a not so proud moment.

I have a calendar and I updated it constantly. I even have erasable pens, which are wonderful by the way, in case I make a mistake or things change. Once I update my written calendar, I transfer that information to my electronic calendar so that I can get electronic notifications to tell me when to do what. Additionally, each morning, I will review these calendars to make sure I'm on top of things and then make a written list on a separate piece of paper so that I can check it off as we go. Think that's a little OCD? I don't....I think it boarders OCD when I rewrite the daily handwritten list over again if I don't like my handwriting......yes, I do this too. But that's for another discussion.....

To help a mother out, there are all sorts of other tools out there that help her remember all of her kids' activities....SignUpGenius, TeamSnap, GroupMe, evite, FB Events, etc. This is where I went terribly wrong.....One of those incredible tools failed me today and I'm feeling so guilty that I "screwed up". I screwed up in front of my child's school......let me tell ya how.

A few weeks before the event, an invitation was sent out by our amazing PTA via SignUpGenius, inviting us to sign up to bring food for a teacher potluck. We love pampering our teachers!!! I saw the electronic sign up list (probably at 11pm when I have time to check my personal email) and signed up almost immediately. Then, the next morning, I transferred this information to my two calendars.......but it wasn't until 6 days before the event that I realized I had written down the wrong date of the event on my calendar.  I realized this AFTER I delivered the scrumptious dish to the school's front office SIX DAYS EARLY. The looks on the faces of the ladies who greet me each visit were priceless. They didn't want to embarrass me but they had to find a way to tell me that I had made a mistake. I love them......

The sweet ladies urged me to take home the soup I had made and freeze it for next week. I just felt horrible but I left it there hoping someone might like to enjoy it today. And I promised I would make a fresh batch next week for the real event!  I'm sure I'm not the only mom with a schedule that makes them a bit crazy. But I sure felt like it in that moment standing in front of those ladies with hot soup steaming in front of us.

To all the parents who have had a moment like this.....
To all the parents who will have a moment like this.....

My hat is off to you. We need to stand together and to support each other and learn to giggle at ourselves when we flub up. And remember, it's just soup....

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